There are many people who just love dogs, they have their own valid reasons. Such people treat dogs like their family members, but do you know few foods for them can be life threatening for your loved dogs. In this article, you will learn about human foods that are dangerous for dogs –

List of human foods fatal to dogs

Some foods can be safe for humans and harmful for dogs. This is because the metabolism of dogs is different from that of humans.

Giving some food containing humans to dogs can damage their health. While in some cases these foods can be fatal for dogs.


  • The ingredients present in chocolate are very difficult for dogs to digest.
  • Giving chocolate to a dog can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of water.
  • These symptoms can be heart attack, internal bleeding, muscle twitches, seizures and death etc.
  • The severity of side effects depends on the size of the dog and the amount of chocolate he has consumed.
  • The darker and less sweet the chocolate, the more toxic it will be to the dog.

Coffee, tea and other caffeine

  • Caffeine is found naturally in coffee like tea, cocoa etc.
  • It is found in soft drinks and medicines.
  • The heart rate and nervous system can be greatly accelerated by the consumption of caffeine by dogs.
  • Dogs include restlessness, excessive thirst, loss of bladder control, vomiting, and diarrhea between 2 and 4 hours after drinking coffee. (Learn about the side effects of tea)
  • If your dog has ingested too much caffeine, he may die due to irregular heartbeat, lung failure.


  • Giving too much salt to a dog can lead to salt poisoning.
  • Due to this, there can be loss of life including vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, fever, etc.
  • Keep in mind that your dog should always drink fresh water.


  • Grapes can be very toxic to dogs.
  • This can lead to immediate kidney failure and death.
  • The effect of the toxic level can be different from one dog to another.
  • Keep in mind that feeding grapes to a dog can cause poisoning.
  • Also, cooked cookies, cakes, snack bars etc. in the market should not be given to the dog.
  • Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and depression should be looked out for.
  • Apart from this, feeling very thirsty and passing very little urine can be a sign of kidney failure.


  • It is a sugar alcohol that is mostly used to sweeten candy, chew gum, toothpaste, and cooked foods.
  • It is safe for humans but can be life-threatening for dogs.
  • Dogs ingesting food containing xylitol can suddenly cause a dog’s blood sugar level to drop.
  • Its symptoms can be seen within 30 minutes of consumption.
  • Symptoms may include vomiting, weakness, depression, trouble moving, coma, and seizures.
  • Xylitol can cause liver damage and even death.

Wine and yeast

  • Alcohol is found in many products such as paints, perfumes, mouthwashes and many other cleaning products.
  • Even small amounts of alcohol are fatal to dogs.
  • The symptoms start within some time of consumption.
  • Such as fatigue, depression, lack of muscle coordination, low body temperature, difficulty in breathing, vomiting and diarrhea may occur.
  • Giving too much alcohol to dogs can lead to death including lung failure, seizures, coma.


  • The elements present in avocado are beneficial for humans and poison for dogs.
  • The component present in avocado known as persin is safe for humans.
  • This element is found in many fruits, leaves, the bark of trees, etc.
  • Therefore, dogs should be avoided to give any such thing.
  • If such food is eaten by dogs, fluid can spread in the dog’s lungs and chest.
  • Due to this the dog may have trouble breathing and even death.
  • Fluid can spread to other organs including the dog’s heart, stomach.
  • Throat block or choke can also occur if a dog accidentally eats avocado.

Other Foods Harmful to Dogs

  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Milk and Dairy Products
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Apple
  • Apricot
  • Cherry
  • Peach
  • Plums


Some foods that are safe for humans can be harmful to dogs. They should be consulted by talking to the dog’s vet about what food to give or not. 

(Know the amazing facts about dogs)

FAQS – Foods fatal to dogs

How do I know if a plant is toxic to pets? 

Some plants contain poisonous compounds that can be harmful to pets.

To identify whether a plant is toxic, look for the following:

  • The plant may have thorns or spines on it. These features can protect the plant from being eaten by other animals but they also make it difficult for dogs and cats to eat the plant.
  • The leaves of a Toxic Plant may turn an unusual yellow color due to high levels of poison.

Which foods should I avoid feeding my dog?

There are many different types of food that can be harmful to dogs, so it is important to consult with a vet about what type of food should be given or avoided. A few foods that may be harmful to dogs include onions, garlic, milk and dairy products, macadamia nuts, apples, apricots, and cherries.

What are the benefits of feeding dogs raw food?

There are many benefits to feeding dogs raw food, including that it is healthier for them overall. It can be difficult for some people to cook their own meals, so giving raw food will make life a bit easier.

Why do some people feed their dogs raw meat, while others feed them cooked meat?

There are a few reasons why some people feed their dogs raw meat, while others cook the meat for them. One reason is that cooked meat can contain bacteria and other harmful elements. Raw meat does not have these ingredients, so it is healthier for both the dog and the owner.

How can I tell if my dog is getting enough nutrition from his food?

There is no one definitive way to tell, but some helpful indicators include noticing a healthy coat of fur, seeing that the dog’s teeth are clean and white, and checking for diarrhea or vomiting.

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