In this article, you will know what is dandruff, its causes, and home remedies –

Dandruff Treatment at home

Tea tree oil

  • Tea tree oil has been used since ancient times to treat everything from acne to psoriasis.
  • It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing dandruff.
  • Apart from this, tea tree oil is effective for stan and fungus present on the head. 
  • While it treats seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.

(Know more about – essential oil for hair growth)

But the thing to be kept in mind is that applying tea tree oil on the scalp during treatment can cause discomfort on sensitive skin. Therefore, before applying it directly to the head, mix a few drops of coconut oil in it.

Coconut oil

  • It is used in many things but it is very beneficial for dandruff.
  • This gets rid of the problem like dryness of the skin and it does not allow it to become dry.
  • According to some research, it is quite effective in treating eczema, one of the causes of dandruff.
  • It is also used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Uses of aloe vera

  • It is a type of ingredient that is used in many lotions, cosmetic products, and ointments. 
  • When applied to the skin, it is also very effective for many conditions like boils, psoriasis, and ulcers.
  • Aloe vera gives great benefits in the treatment of dandruff.
  • Apart from this, it is very effective on symptoms like many types of fungal infections, hair loss, irritation.

Reducing stress levels

  • Stress is known to cause various health problems.
  • It also has a profound effect on mental health.
  • By the way, it does not directly cause dandruff.
  • But it can cause conditions like dryness and itching.
  • Being under stress for a long time also affects the immune system.
  • To reduce it, breathing exercises like meditation, yoga or pranayama can be done.

Apple cider vinegar

  • It has many health benefits such as weight loss or improved insulin sensitivity.
  • Very few people know its use for dandruff also.
  • It cleans the dead cells present on the scalp of our head.
  • It also balances the pH level of the skin, which reduces the growth of fungus.
  • Before using it directly on the head, some other oil should be mixed in it.

Salicylic acid

  • This element is commonly found in aspirin.
  • It is quite good for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • This gets rid of the stickiness of the skin.
  • Salicylic acid is present in a variety of anti-dandruff shampoos that are known to treat this condition.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

  • This acid is very important for our overall health.
  • It is very important for our heart, immune system, and lungs.
  • Along with this, it is also very important for our skin health.
  • It is beneficial in conditions like faster wound healing, premature aging.
  • There is a lot of relief in the symptoms of dandruff-like itching or burning.
  • It is found in things like flaxseed, chia seed, and walnuts.

Consume more probiotics

  • It is a type of good bacteria that is good for our health.
  • It has many benefits such as prevention of allergies, reduction of cholesterol level, and benefits in weight loss.
  • It helps in boosting the immune system and fighting fungal infections of dandruff.
  • With its continuous consumption, the problem of severe dandruff is reduced.
  • Also, it reduces symptoms like eczema and dermatitis in children.

Use of baking soda

  • It is one of the easily available items in the kitchen.
  • Apart from reducing itching and stickiness, it removes dead skin cells.
  • Its anti-fungal properties are helpful in treating dandruff.
  • Using it in the bath provides benefits in psoriasis, itching, or skin problems.
  • Baking soda can be applied to wet hair by massaging it like a shampoo, after which it is washed off with water.

What is dandruff? 

  • Dandruff or dandruff is a problem that affects at least 50 percent of people.
  • If you try to understand, then this is a condition in which symptoms like itching, flaking, etc. are seen on the scalp.
  • Apart from this, sticky patches on the scalp and a tingling feeling on the scalp skin.

Causes of Dandruff

There can be many reasons for this like –

  • Dry skin
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Sensitivity to hair products
  • Growth of a particular type of fungus on the scalp

However, to treat scalp dandruff or say dandruff, you will find many types of products, etc. which can cure it. But home remedies also prove to be very effective for this.


Although dandruff can be a serious problem, there are several home remedies that you can use to reduce and relieve the symptoms. If you have any such problem then you can take advantage by using the above mentioned remedies. 

(Learn about the benefits of onion juice for hair)

Apart from this, the effect of the treatment can be increased by using shampoo etc. along with these remedies.

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